shearer diet

Shearing is a physically intensive procedure. And this calls for a proper diet to deliver optimal performance under pressure. You need the right food to supply energy, but the diet should not make you too full. Just as gaining weight is out of the question, so is unnecessary loss of muscle mass.

To help you stay energetic and hydrated, we mention the following tips. Let's take a look below!

Preparing for the shearing day

Prepping ahead of time goes a long way because you should conserve your energy and make the day successful. An average shearer burns around 3,000-3,500 calories every day.

So, count your current daily amount and weigh yourself. This is how you can find out whether you need to increase or decrease your daily calories. Get a pen and paper to answer the following questions:

  • Are my calories to keep me energetic?
  • What sorts of food do you need to fulfil your energy goals?
  • What adjustments to make if I want to work through the day?

Track your protein and fibre intake

Every person needs to follow a different meal plan to get their protein and fibre needs right on track. Usually, an 80-kilo shearer needs 160 grams of protein every day.

Besides protein, you need fibre to cleanse your internals. Due to a lack of fibre, you may suffer from digestion issues. Your body cannot absorb all the nutrients because of poor digestion.

Be mindful of carbs and fats

For shearers, carbs and fats are integral to keeping up an active lifestyle. Carbs can break down energy sources and fats protect organs and joints and transport nutrients.

Rice cakes, dried fruits and juices are fast-burning carbs. On the other hand, you need to be mindful of consuming good fats. It's best to include nuts, eggs and avocado if you struggle to consume large quantities. Either way, you should avoid processed carbs to keep achy pains and fatigue at bay.

In the end, you should follow an ideal diet plan which is a mix of good fats, carbs and protein. If you want to share your thoughts about a shearer's diet plan, drop a comment below!