I'm Buck Backache, as common as an old shoe - and just as tough. If you haven't encountered me, just wait awhile. You will.

Whether you're a secretary or housewife, a laborer or desk-bound executive, I'll get around to you one of these days.

Don't blame me. Blame gravity. A recent scientific report put it rather neatly; The spine, instead of serving as a nicely-balanced suspension bridge, is more like a tent pole.

That's why it's just a matter of time until old Buck causes you to wince and groan, "Oh my aching back!"

You'll lift something the wrong way. Or you'll merely sit or stand the wrong way over long periods of time. Or you'll receive a jolt - in a car accident, or by falling, perhaps simply by stepping off a curb wrong.

Perhaps you'll make yourself vulnerable to me simply by sprouting a paunch which adds to back muscle strain. Even the back strain resulting from pregnancy can cause my visit.

Take it from the old Buck - when that happens, the best thing for you to do is to take your spine to a chiropractor. For if anybody in this world is a backache specialist, he sure is.

He knows a spine the way a concert pianist knows a keyboard.

He might call your spine the switchboard of your nervous system. Through its flexible column of small, movable bones called vertebrae, nerves connect your brain to every organ, tissue, and cell of your body.

The vertebrae are held together by ligaments, and are cushioned by discs - shock absorber cartilages containing a jelly-like interior substance.

When vertebrae and discs become misaligned they can irritate nerves.

A misalignment can be caused by weak muscles, or muscle spasms due to over-use, or tensions, or poor posture, or a jolt; or any of a number of things.

A Doctor of Chiropractic is trained by years of college study to analyze and adjust segments of the spinal column to correct the alignment, and to eliminate the nerve irritation.

Then, the spine adjusted, the body will have the proper nerve supply to heal itself.

A ten-year study of workmen's Compensation files of five states reveals this:

- Average work days and wages lost by workers suffering from back injuries, and cared for by Doctors of Chiropractic, were considerably less than those under medical, osteopathic, and medical-surgical treatment.

- The average case of industrial back injury showed a returned to work within 14 days, under chiropractic care. Similar cases under other types of care were not able to return for up to 36 days.

The average cost of chiropractic care in back injury cases was considerably less than either medical, surgical or osteopathic care.

So when your day arrives - when you grab your back and groan - go to the Chiropractor. Tell them old Buck sent you. This is the only kind of Buck-passing that really works.

Only Nature Heals ... Chiropractic Proves It!Buck Backache

"Discover the Benefits of Chiropractic" Parker Chiropractic Research Foundation, 1973. Litho in U.S.A
Authorised Redistribution; J. Howard Morley D.C. Dip. N.B.C.E. Doctors of Chiropractic. U.S.A